Monthly Archives: January 2021

Intro to Draping: Measuring the Dress Form

Welcome to part two of the Intro to Draping series! If you haven’t already, please visit the previous post – Intro to Draping: Dress Form Basics & Markings OK! So now that we have the dressform basics and markings down let’s move onto taking and recording the measurements of your...

Intro to Draping: Dress Form Basics & Markings

Draping can seem like a very difficult task and that can be true depending on what you’re draping but in general the basic foundations of draping is pretty simple, straight-forward and actually fun! In this multi part series we will go over the basics draping terminology, important markings, taking measurements...

18 Essential Tools & Supplies for Patternmaking

Patternmaking is a task of many moving parts that can be both enjoyable and sometimes stressful. Being properly prepared is very important and can save a ton of time and frustration. Whether you’re a beginner or more experience patternmaker, it is essential that you have all the necessary tools and...